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Freiburg: IADIS International Conference ICT, Society and Human Beings 2010

Beginn: Do 29. Jul 00:00:00 CEST 2010
Ende:   Sa 31. Jul 23:59:59 CEST 2010
Ort:   Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Germany
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IADIS International Conference

ICT, Society and Human Beings 2010

Freiburg, Germany

29 - 31 July 2010

Co-organised by:

Conference indexed by EI Compendex

Compendex is the most comprehensive  bibliographic database of scientific and technical engineering research  available, covering all engineering disciplines. It includes millions of  bibliographic citations and abstracts from thousands of engineering  journals and conference proceedings. When combined with the Engineering  Index Backfile (1884-1969), Compendex covers well over 120 years of core  engineering literature.

Selected authors of best papers will be invited to submit extended versions of their papers
to selected journals including journals from

NEW Submit your paper here (new date - submissions until 15 March 2010)

NEW Keynote Speaker (confirmed):
Professor Alice Robbin, Director, Rob Kling Center for Social Informatics,
Indiana University, Bloomington, USA

Conference Program Chair: Professor Gunilla Bradley, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

The effects of ICT on human beings come in focus in the conference but also the interaction between ICT – Individual – Society. Analyses of Interaction and Effects are both important.

Changes in behaviour, perspectives, values, competencies, human and psychological aspects, feelings are all of interest. Computer Science and ICT related disciplines work more and more together with various behavioural and social sciences. Organisational and institutional changes, Societal changes, Cognitive effects and changes, Motivational and emotional
changes, Value changes and new lifestyles are all considered as well as experiences from Child psychology and
Development psychology.

In general all types of research strategies are encouraged and especially cross disciplinary and multidisciplinary studies.
Case studies, broader empirical field studies, theoretical analyses, cross cultural studies, scenarios, ethnographic
studies, epistemological analyses.

Check previous conference: 2009 | 2008

Conference Official Language: English

This is a blind peer-reviewed conference.

Conference contact:

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