18.09.2014 Machen sich Ärzte mit eGK strafbar?

Are  Physicians Punishable When Using the Electronic Health Card (eGK)?

"Physicians, who will send social or medical data over the Internet by the use of the eGK could be liable for prosecution," said Dr. Silke Lueder, Vice Chairman of the  Freien Ärzteschaft, when she presented a study by experts to the use of the eGK. "This is a slap in the face for the operating organization gematik, the insurance companies, the Federal Ministry of Health and all medical entities who are willing to proceed with the health card project."

When giving the electronic health card (eGK) to the people privacy was violated. The identity of the insured people was not tested. Anyone could have posted a wrong photo. The signature on the card was never checked, too. Thus, a physician must fear consequences when he sends confidentiality patient data.

Read more http://www.ad-hoc-news.de/gutachten-macht-die-elektronische-gesundheitskarte-rzte-strafbar--/de/News/38960375
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Tags: #Arbeitnehmerdatenschutz #Verbraucherdatenschutz #Datenschutz #Gutachten #freieAerzteschaft #Schweigepflicht #Datensicherheit
Created: 2014-09-18 07:29:31

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