06.03.2015 "Langzeituntersuchung" gegen WikiLeaks

US government is conducting an active, long-term criminal investigation into WikiLeaks

Five years after Julian Assange and his team began publishing the massive dump of US state secrets leaked by an army intelligence analyst, two wings of the Department of Justice and the FBI remain engaged in a criminal investigation of the open-information website that is of a “long-term duration”, “multi-subject” in nature and that “remains in the investigative state”.

The Obama administration has launched eight prosecutions under the 1917 Espionage Act – more than under all previous US presidencies combined.

Read more http://www.theguardian.com/media/2015/mar/05/us-government-still-hunting-wikileaks-obama-targets-whistleblowers

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Link to this page: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/4815-20150306-langzeituntersuchung-gegen-wikileaks.htm
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Tags: #Polizei #Geheimdienste #Hacking #Geodaten #Videoueberwachung #Lauschangriff #Ueberwachung #JulianAssange #Wikileaks #Whistleblowing #EdwardSnowden #BradleyManning
Created: 2015-03-06 09:53:45

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