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18.01.2022 Persönliche Daten sollen Privatangelegenheit bleiben

Personal data should remain a private matter
Call for a campaign for our privacy

Aktion Freiheit statt Angst (Freedom not Fear) has written a letter to several NGOs to join a campaign. The whole story is told on the German page of this article. An English version of why we want rally against GAFAM may be soon available. In the moment here we only  publish the letter to the other organizations.

Dear fellow campaigners against problems of digitalization

We would like to start a campaigndrawing attention to the dangers of the big 5 internet giants Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple and Microsoft (GAFAM).These 5 dominate our internet world by more than 95%. Aktion Freiheit statt Angst e.V. would like to help to shape a framework,that allows users to leave the big 5 internet giants, but also to develop ideas to develop ideas as to how the Internet should be fundamentally changed.

However, we do not want to fight this campaign alone, but if possible in an alliance together with you, to show that reality has not only destroyed the original dream of the Internet, to create a place where everyone is equal and democratic interaction with each other is a matter of course, but has also turned it into its opposite.

In the meantime, exactly the capitalist conditions prevail on the Internet, against which we otherwise rebel...

We thought about some demands that this campaign should bring among the people,so that they question their own Internet consumption and, if possible, direct it differently, become aware that what is taken for granted is not necessarily good...

These demands are suggestions which we would like to develop together with you. Likewise, we have also drawn up a rough schedule as a guide for a discussion template with each other.


  • fundamental prohibition of private data use by private companies  
  • Use of free appstores (e.g. F-Droid) instead of private appstores  (like PlayStore and Mac AppStore)  
  • Duty to tolerate free software on all devices  
  • support for open source  state-owned companies have to host their apps themselves  or make them available via free app stores  
  • sustainability: devices must remain permanently usable and repairable  
  • software should also remain permanently usable  
  • Subordination of companies operating in Europe to EU jurisdiction
  • Fair taxation in the EU according to the principle:  taxation where the money is earned  
  • nobody should be forced to use a smartphone  not even in times of crisis  
  • legal guarantee of a choice between  conventional/analog devices and digital technologies.

Time ideas:

1.  joint precise formulations of the campaign  
2.  invitation to joint preliminary discussions  
3.  funding application: soliciting project funds March/April  
     Our ideas:  
            5 events 1 before summer, 2 in fall, 2 by summer 23.  
            Awareness workshops for youth/unneeded, write to schools for this.  
4.  meeting with all interested possible partners end of May  
5.  prepare and print flyers  
6.  organization of public events on the campaign topic with interesting   interesting speakers to accompany the campaign until fall 23  
7.  elaboration of preconditions for good press work (pressdistribution list creation)  
8.  from summer 23, start of the organization of a follow-up campaignin the alliance.

We intend to initiate a larger campaign after this one, to address the dangers of smart devices up to smart cities. We also developed ideas about what issues it could address. All this is can be read on our campaign website
or more briefly .

But it would be much more important for us to you about it.
Get in touch, we're waiting for you

Rainer Hammerschmidt
Team Action Freedom instead of Fear

Category[26]: Verbraucher- & ArbeitnehmerInnen-Datenschutz Short-Link to this page:
Link to this page:
Link with Tor: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/7898-20220118-persoenliche-daten-sollen-privatangelegenheit-bleiben.html
Tags: #Datenkraken #Twitter #Facebook #Alfabet #Google #Amazon #Avaaz #EU #aSozialeNetzwerke #Verhaltensänderung #USA #Meinungsmonopol #Meinungsfreiheit #Verbraucherdatenschutz #Datenskandale #Datensicherheit #Kampagne #Brief #Kontaktaufnahme #Überwachung #DataMining #Privatsphäre #Verhaltensänderung
Created: 2022-01-18 11:27:23
Hits: 8334

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