Meetings of the current alliances Together with the representatives of interested organizations we want to speak about the development and design, as well as the medium-and long-term strategic orientation in our alliances.
We also want to talk about current and possible future projects and collaborations.
Accurate information about the various alliance meetings can be found in the respective current calendar.
Please send an e-mail to kontakt@aktion-fsa.de with your Name, respectively the name of your organization and the date of the meeting you will join, for our planning of rooms!
Regular alliance meetings - Bündnis für ein Volksbegehren für ein Berliner Transparenzgesetz, Dates for Unterschriftensammlungen and mettings you will find here: https://volksentscheid-transparenz.de/mitmachen/
- Frieden geht Meetings every week on Tuesday or Wednesday at different locations in Berlin (Finished July 1st 2018)
- BAfF - Berliner Allianz für Freiheitsrechte, Netzwerk gegen das Voksbegehren "Für mehr Videoüberwachung" beginning at February 28th 2018 every 4th Wednesday in a month at 7pm in the Haus der Demokratie VH 1.OG
- Bündnis "Reichtum umverteilen" (from March 2017 until the German election in September)
- Alliance for civil clauses, (during semester time) every 2nd Friday, 16h, in the Rudi Dutschke Plenarium at AStA of the TU Berlin
- Working group against drones with FriKo-Berlin, every 2nd Wednesday 19h, see calendar
- freebradlymanning.de, Support group for Wikileaks informant Bradley Manning, see calendar
- Berlin alliance against INDECT, Café Lykia, near Ostkreuz station, see calendar
- Alliance School withour military, every last Thursday in a month, 19h, at Naturfreunde, Paretzer Str. 7
- Demo alliance agianst ACTA, (finished 2012)
- Alliance against the KFN questionaire, (finished 2011)
- Alliance against the Berlin pupils data base, (finished 2010)
Category[8]: Über uns Short-Link to this page: a-fsa.de/e/12Z
Link to this page: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/158-buendnistreffen.html
Link with Tor: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/158-buendnistreffen.html
Tags: #Buendnistreffen #Verein #AktionFsA #Planung #gemeinsameAktionen #Projekte #Kooperationen
Created: 2009-03-25 15:08:17
Hits: 53666
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