First Steps to Self-Protection on the Internet What can I do myself? A few tips...
... the first step to take a closer look at the topic.
Here is just an overview,,
- Think about which providers you can trust.
Where is the location of the provider?
Which business model does he operate?
- Where should the mails be stored?
at the provider because I want to access from different places or better with me (IMAP)?
or better with me locally (POP3)?
- sign and encrypt mails
e.g. with Thunderbird and Enigmail,
or just prefer to use Bitmessage a message protocol that works without a server and only (More hints here and hier und Bitmessage für Android gibt es here)
Update Dec 2016: Unfortunately, Bitseal crashes on Android after starting immediately. Let's hope for an update ...
- Attention: DE-Mail does not provide end-to-end encryption
The mails are put out and packed again with each provider and can be falsified or read there.
- Use trusted browsers, so not necessarily Windows Explorer,, ...
- Surf only over secure connections,so use https instead of http,
the plugin https-everywhere does this automatically.
- Do not download foreign programs that you do not trust,
so first inform with a search engine about the software.
- This also means using Java and Java script in web pages only if absolutely necessary. That's easy to control with the NoScript plugin - it's only hard to decide - who is trustworthy.
- Anonymous surfing over Tor or Jondonym
Both use chains of Proxy-Server, between which the traffic is encrypted and which change every few minutes so that a user can not be tracked.
Attention: If you are acting stupid and throwing personal data on the pages you visit, that does not help!
- If you want to see how people see you on the Internet, you can do so on the trusted IP check page of JonDonym. There, your own data is much safer than on the pages full of advertising such as "What is my IP" or similar
- We all like to communicate with our friends. But for many unsafe and data-hungry applications, there are alternatives.
- If you really can not leave Facebook, you should take heed to these privacy settings, which we had to work hard to achieve.
Attention! Facebook likes to change its terms and conditions and the application - so nothing is really safe there.
- ... are just as secure as the passwords, they are supposed to protect, so they use long passwords with uppercase, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.
Tip1: Length = year, so 2017 17-digit PW
Tip2: Derive passwords from initials of sentences, lyrics, sayings
- Passwords for different applications should also be different, because once one is compromised, the risk is limited
- No one can remember all passwords. Here a password safe helps, either in the wall or better as a program, e.g. KeePassX - and that should be protected with a really secure password.
- My personal data should be on the computer separately (in separate partitions) of the programs and regularly secured. Then the possibly necessary reinstallation of the operating system is no problem.
- My personal data should be stored encrpted. This is possible, for example, with VeraCrypt (former TrueCrypt ). The resulting data containers (large files or partitions) can be used and shared on Linux, Windows or Apple Mac systems.
- Avoid software and servers from countries with inquisitive intelligence.
- Disconnect applications - so do not do games, office matters, surfing and bank transfers from one single computer.
- In order to be environmentally friendly, various virtual machines on one device. There are the software VirtualBox, VMware, Xen, ...
- If possible use only Open Source software.
Open software is independently developed and controlled by many people, and backdoors are detected and closed faster than with proprietary programs.
- Scandalize glitches !
Tell friends and acquaintances about data breaches and scandals and name those responsible
- Running your own Tor server Tor Server is not difficult and i.e. on a RaspberryPi (for about 30€) and low power (<5W) cost.
- Each additional Tor server also secures people in countries with Internet blocking a reminder of freedom of information and protects whistleblowers.
- Instead of Facebook you can use Diaspora, a distributed social network. There is no central server and there is no company behind that wants to make a profit with my data.
- Instead of WhatsApp, there is Threema,
All you have to do is convince your friends that you want to go there together.
- Another alternative is Conversations.
- EU states theoretically have a high level of data protection but there are black sheep.
Britain must be charged and convicted of its espionage crimes by the EUGh.
- Convince friends and acquaintances of open source and support the development of Open Source (free software) with a donation.
| Further notes on the hazards and how to avoid them are available, for example here http://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/en/articles/1004-sicher-im-internet.htm
and also the AStA der Fachhochschule Münster has written a privacy reader with many tips: http://www.astafh.de/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/datenschutzreader-1125-klein.pdf
Technical help for the installation is generally best on the web pages of the tools mentioned, because only there the notes are kept up to date. For some installations that we have tried on fairs or for our own use, we have put together some short notes here. For capacity reasons, we can not keep this page up to date with updates and therefore do not assume any warranty.
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Category[40]: Anti-Überwachung Short-Link to this page: a-fsa.de/e/2eq
Link to this page: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/4185-privatsphaere-schuetzen-was-kann-ich-tun.html
Link with Tor: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/4185-privatsphaere-schuetzen-was-kann-ich-tun.html
Tags: #Anti-Ueberwachung #Selbstschutz #Internet #anonym #Verschluesselung #tor #enigmail #tails #keepassx #truecrypt #jondonym #virtuell #opensource #Privatsphäre
Created: 2014-02-23 12:18:45
Hits: 24446
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