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Statistics of our web pages

Most used tags (in alphabetical order)

abschiebung; aktion fsa; aktivitaet; anonymisierung; arbeitnehmerdatenschutz; asyl; bankdaten; berlin; biometrie; bka; datenbanken; datenpannen; datenschutz; datensicherheit; demo; drohnen; elena; eu; facebook; flucht; fluggastdatenbank; frontex; fsamitteilung; geheimdienste; google; grundrecht; grundrechte; informationsfreiheit; internetsperren; lauschangriff; meinungsfreiheit; menschenrechte; migration; militaer; netzneutralitaet; persoenlichkeitsrecht; polizei; privatsphaere; rasterfahndung; scoring; skandale; soziale netzwerke; trojaner; ueberwachung; usa; verbraucherdatenschutz; versammlungsrecht; video; videoueberwachung; vorratsdatenspeicherung; zensur; zentrale datenbanken; zwangsdigitalisierung;


Our Web Statistics (monthly updated)

Date 04.10.2024:

37 categories,
8887 Articles
10036 Files
Hits: 26631330


The statistics contains only human visits to our pages, all "robots" and "crawler" are already deleted.

The statistics of 2017






Some statistics from 2018: the taz-blog and impression on twitter


Here you see the statistics of the page about our association in Wikipedia

Older statistical data 2015-2016:

 Older statistical data 2012-2014:

Category[13]: Ressourcen Short-Link to this page:
Link to this page:
Link with Tor: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/4316-statistik.html
Tags: #Statistik #Tools #FsaMitteilung #Web #Stichwortsuche
Created: 2014-05-19 10:41:43
Hits: 15180

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CC license   European Civil Liberties Network   Bundesfreiwilligendienst   We don't store your data   World Beyond War   Use Tor router   Use HTTPS   No Java   For Transparency

logos Mitglied im European Civil Liberties Network Creative Commons Bundesfreiwilligendienst We don't store user data World Beyond War Tor - The onion router HTTPS - use encrypted connections We don't use JavaScript For transparency in the civil society