Together Against Trump - National Demonstration in London
Beginn: Fr, 13. Jul 14:00 CEST 2018Ende: Fr, 13. Jul 18:00 CEST 2018
Ort: London, GB, BBC Broadcasting House, Portland PLace, London W1A 1AA
Geodaten: (N51.5188),(W0.1428)
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Tags: Menschenrechte, Trump, Miltär, Aufrüstung, Waffenexporte, Drohnen, Frieden, Krieg, Diskriminierung, Ungleichbehandlung, Gewerkschaft, Mitbestimmung, Koalitionsfreiheit,
Mass demo in London, July 13
What NATO does and what is decided in Brussels next week really matters for the citizens of Europe and the world.
When: Friday, July 13
Where: Gather at 2:00 p.m. outside BBC Building, Portland Place, W1A 1AA, London.
March to Trafalgar Square, for a rally at 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
How to get there: Use Regents Park or Great Portland Street Station.
Piccadilly Line will not be running. Coaches to the demo are available. Book your ticket on a coach from your area.
Trump’s visit to the UK on July 13th and 14th follows on from his attendance at the 2018 NATO summit in Brussels. Earlier this year NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg laid out the five key objectives for the summit: further strengthen the transatlantic bond, build on NATO’s work with partner nations to fight terrorism, strengthen NATO’s Black Sea presence and step up efforts against cyberattacks and hybrid threats.
Over 50,000 people have RSVPed for the demonstration, which is being organized by a network of grassroots groups, unions, NGOs, public figures, and politicians under the banner of Together Against Trump, which includes the Stand Up to Trump campaign and Stop Trump Coalition. Stop the War Coalition has endorsed the event.
This is about much more than protesting Trump's visit to the UK. This is about mobilizing en masse against warmongering, racism, anti-migrant bigotry, climate denial, and other regressive policies supported by the UK, U.S., and their allies.
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