11.04.2010 1000 Nacktscanner bis Ende 2011 auf US Flughäfen
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11.04.2010: 1000 Nacktscanner bis Ende 2011 auf US Flughäfen

The Transportation Security Administration last week announced plans have been stepped up to have about 1,000 of the machines in airports around the country by the end of 2011.

There are now 46 in place at 23 airports in the U.S. Seven more airports across the country will soon be getting the scanners, according to the TSA's Web site.

Florida has the highest number of airports in the country already using the scanners. Three airports in Florida - Jacksonville, Miami and Tampa - operate the devices, the TSA reported. The Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport is on the list to get them.

More details http://www.ocala.com/article/20100409/articles/4091007?p=all&tc=pgall

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Tags: #Nacktscanner #Koerperscanner #Ueberwachung #Persoenlichkeitsrecht #Privacy #USA #Flughafen
Created: 2010-04-11 09:05:30

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