18.11.2014 Mit VPN gegen Überwachung

 Sweden: provider offers free VPN channels against surveillance

"One week remains before PTS requires a fine of five million krona ($676,500) from Bahnhof, as the company has not yet begun to store customer traffic data. Therefore, Bahnhof has chosen to activate ‘Plan B’,” Karlung announced today.

The plan involves Bahnhof reactivating data storage on November 24 as required. However, the ISP will thwart the collection of meaningful data by providing every customer with access to an anonymizing VPN service free of charge.

“The EU Court of Justice has held that it is a human right for people not to have their traffic data stored. We therefore believe that the time is ripe for VPN services become popular,” Karlung says.

The service, called LEX Integrity, is a no-logging provider so it will be impossible for any entity to get useful information about its users.

Read more at https://torrentfreak.com/isp-provides-free-vpn-to-protect-customer-privacy-141117/
and http://derstandard.at/2000008283958/Schweden-Provider-verschenkt-VPN-Zugaenge-gegen-Ueberwachung
and http://www.zdnet.de/88211342/schwedischer-isp-wehrt-sich-mit-kostenlosem-vpn-dienst-gegen-vorratsdatenspeicherung/
and https://netzpolitik.org/2014/vorratsdatenspeicherung-in-schweden-provider-bietet-kunden-kostenloses-vpn-an/

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Tags: #Lauschangriff #Schweden #Eugh #Urteil #VDS #VPN #Ueberwachung #Vorratsdatenspeicherung #Grundrechte #Menschenrechte #Verbraucherdatenschutz #Datenschutz #Datensicherheit
Created: 2014-11-18 13:20:10

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