23.10.2009 US-Militär sammelt Daten über Teenager (eng.)
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A Few Good Kids? | Mother Jones

A Few Good Kids?
How the No Child Left Behind Act allowed military recruiters to collect info on millions of unsuspecting teens.
—By David Goodman
September/October 2009 Issue

John Travers was striding purposefully into the Westfield mall in Wheaton, Maryland, for some back-to-school shopping before starting his junior year at Bowling Green State University. When I asked him whether he'd ever talked to a military recruiter, Travers, a 19-year-old African American with a buzz cut, a crisp white T-shirt, and a diamond stud in his left ear, smiled wryly. "To get to lunch in my high school, you had to pass recruiters," he said. "It was overwhelming." Then he added, "I thought the recruiters had too much information about me. They called me, but I never gave them my phone number."
Weiterlesen bei Mother Jones... (eng.)

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Tags: #USA #US #Militaer #Datamining #Datensammlung #Datenschutz #NoChildleftbehindact #Ueberwachung #Datenspeicherung #Massen-Datenspeicherung #screening #Wehrdienst
Created: 2009-10-23 11:34:57

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