28.04.2014 Bewaffnete Drohnen - Tatort fast aktueller als Youtube

Wide-area surveillance technology can watch a city in real time

As we have seen yesterday evening in the ARD "Tatort", the total surveillance even of the LKA in Lower Saxony and the Federal Police is a breeze if you have enough drones and related equipment. How this works in reality will be reported by a conversation with GW Schulz of The Center for Investigative Reporting on their special report on wide area surveillance drones or small planes.

Video and more http://therealnews.com/t2/component/hwdvideoshare/viewvideo/77652
Mediathek ARD http://www.daserste.de/unterhaltung/krimi/tatort/index.html

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Created: 2014-04-28 06:23:52

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