03.07.2014 NSA späht gezielt Deutsche aus

NSA targets the privacy-conscious

Two servers in Germany - in Berlin and Nuremberg - are under surveillance by the NSA. Among the NSA's targets is the Tor network funded primarily by the US government to aid democracy advocates in authoritarian states.

The XKeyscore rules reveal that the NSA tracks all connections to a server that hosts part of an anonymous email service at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) in Cambridge, Massachusetts. It also records details about visits to a popular internet journal for Linux operating system users called "the Linux Journal - the Original Magazine of the Linux Community", and calls it an "extremist forum".

The IP address is explicitly specified in the rules of the powerful and invasive spy software program XKeyscore. It is the IP of a tor server in Nuremberg.

But the scandal has a good side, too. So far, the Federal Attorney General has not started an investigation against US services, except for the phone of Mrs. Merkel, because there were "no names of known victims."

That has now changed.

Mehr dazu http://www.tagesschau.de/inland/nsa-xkeyscore-100.html
and http://daserste.ndr.de/panorama/aktuell/NSA-targets-the-privacy-conscious,nsa230.html

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Tags: #GeheimdiensteVerschluesselung #Tor #xkeyscore #Datenskandale #Whistleblowing #EdwardSnowden #NSA #PRISM #Tempora #Videoueberwachung #Lauschangriff #Ueberwachung
Created: 2014-07-03 06:28:18

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