16.11.2018 Nur 100 Unternehmen sind für 71% der globalen Emissionen verantwortlich

Just 100 companies responsible for 71% of global emissions

... And there it should be impossible to achieve a saving of 20% for the 2° target? Some states, like the US under Trump, even claim that an increase in emissions is indispensable.

The Carbon Majors Report (pdf) "shows how a relatively small group of fossil fuel producers can hold the key to a systemic change in CO2 emissions," says Pedro Faria, technical director of the environmental non-profit CDP, which published the report in collaboration with the Climate Accountability Institute.

Even if some of the major polluters are inaccessible because of their supranational interdependencies, the report shows that more than half of global industrial emissions since 1988 - the year the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was established - can be traced back to only 25 companies and government agencies.

It must be possible to influence these, or at least some of them, at EU level - if one wanted to ...

Mehr dazu bei https://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/2017/jul/10/100-fossil-fuel-companies-investors-responsible-71-global-emissions-cdp-study-climate-change

Category[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link to this page: a-fsa.de/e/2YD
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Tags: #Verschmutzung #Klima #Studie #2-Grad-Ziel #Einsparung #Emissionen #Gleichberechtigung #Ungleichbehandlung #Mitbestimmung #Koalitionsfreiheit #Kohle #Öl #Transparenz #Menschenrechte #Leben #Luft
Created: 2018-11-16 09:19:38

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