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29.07.2021 Anklage verlangt Exempel an Whistleblower

Prosecutors call for 9 year sentence

We had reported several times about the arrest and indictment of Daniel Hale, one of the three drone whistleblowers from the documentary "National Bird". The prosecution wants to make an example with this trial to deter other military personnel.

The United States government urged a federal court to sentence drone whistleblower Daniel Hale to at least nine years in prison for disclosing documents to a reporter.

Prosecutors maintained Hale joined the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA) to steal classified information so he could “ingratiate himself” with journalists. They even submitted secret evidence for the court alleging the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) “distributed” two of the documents in a “guidebook for its followers.”

“For those like Hale, who unilaterally decide to disclose classified information, the existence of criminal penalties that are theoretically harsh but practically lenient is not sufficient,” prosecutors declare in their sentencing memorandum. “It is particularly important to deter those who, like Hale, might be tempted to gain access for the sole purpose of disclosing it. Such individuals must see that using positions in the intelligence community for self-aggrandizement will be harshly punished.”

“A significant sentence is necessary to demonstrate that the unauthorized disclosure of classified information is a serious crime with significant consequences,” prosecutors add.

We know Daniel Hale from the documentary "National Bird" and we know that the insinuations of the prosecution and the public prosecutor's office are made up out of thin air. Daniel Hale has seen things in his work that belong in the public eye and has told journalists about them. Not those who expose war crimes should be brought to justice but those who commit them and even more so those who order them!

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Created: 2021-07-29 07:55:29
Hits: 90

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